Adverse Weather and Service Disruption Policy

HSCS:  4.11, 4.12, 5.17, 1.13, 1.32, 2.24, 2.25, 3.9, 3.13, 4.27, 5.1

Willow Den is founded on the belief that playing and learning outdoors is fundamentally beneficial for children’s development, health and wellbeing.As a fully outdoor early learning and childcare setting Willow Den Scotland expects that children and staff will be outdoors experiencing, enjoying and benefiting from almost all of Scotland’s weather.  

Willow Den will always strive to keep the ELC setting open in adverse weather and to keep disruption to usual service to a minimum. However, there may be occasion where conditions caused by extreme weather or other factors will make it unsafe to operate. Examples include, but are not limited to:  

  • staff shortages; 
  • dangerous conditions; 
  • accessing the ELC setting safely. 

The final decision about opening or closing due to the impact of adverse weather or any other critical incident will be taken by the Nursery Manager, or in their absence, the most Senior Practitioner available, in consultation with the Senior Management Team and relevant agencies.  

If we need to evacuate then we will follow the Emergency Evacuation Procedures.  

The ELC team will communicate to families in good time as is reasonably practical under the given circumstances either by phone, text or email.