What’s it like to go to a fully outdoor nursery?

At Willow Den Nursery, we offer a unique play and learning experience where children immerse themselves in the wonders of the great outdoors, supported by experienced outdoor-loving practitioners. Here’s a glimpse into what life is like at our fully outdoor nursery at the Falkirk Wheel:

Many parents choose to use their child’s 1140 hours funding for Willow Den or split the funding with a mainstream nursery. Our team can support you with this!

Want to come and see it for yourself? Complete this short form and a member of our team will be in touch to answer any questions and book you onto and Open Day.

Located amidst the wonderful woodland surroundings of the Falkirk Wheel, our nursery is nestled within the tranquil birch woods. Surrounded by nature’s beauty, children can explore, play, and learn in a serene and enchanting environment.

From climbing frames to wooded trails, every corner of Willow Den is an invitation to adventure. Children spend their days climbing trees, building dens, and splashing in puddles, fostering a deep connection with the natural world and nurturing their sense of wonder and curiosity.

At Willow Den, play is the cornerstone of learning. Outdoor play encourages creativity, problem-solving, and physical development. Whether they’re engaged in imaginative role-play or experimenting with natural materials, children are encouraged to follow their interests and explore at their own pace. You can find out more about the activities we at Willow Den here.

Come rain or shine, our outdoor nursery embraces the elements. Children learn to appreciate the beauty of every season, from the vibrant colours of autumn to the crisp frost of winter. With the right clothing and a positive attitude, there’s no such thing as bad weather – only different opportunities for outdoor exploration!

Parent Perspectives: Here’s what some of our parents have to say about why they chose a fully outdoor nursery for their child:

“We chose outdoor nursery so she could learn to love the natural world. It’s a wonderful environment with the trees and climbing frames and outside fires, and I think it’s good for her to be out in all weathers as well. It’s made her quite robust.”

“We liked the thought of outdoor nursery because it reminded me of what I used to do as a kid. Running out in the woods, playing, being out in the fresh air.”

“It’s a lovely thing to see a parent, how they interact with the surroundings and each other. It builds resilience and teamwork, and we all love it!”

“We chose Willow Den because it was an outdoor environment, he’d be able to grow and flourish in, which he has done. It’s the sense of freedom, and he absolutely loves it!”

You can use funding for Willow Den; either fully funding the place or split the funding with a mainstream nursery. Our team will help you with the process.

Want to come and see it for yourself? Complete this short form and a member of our team will be in touch to answer any questions and book you onto and Open Day.